Sumeet Instruments & Chemicals (SIC) was originally formed in 1990 to provide analytical products to all the major Educational Institutions Government, Private and Public sector industries including Ordnance factories & Defence R&D labs, Thermal plants, Iron & Steel sectors, Coal fields and Public Health engineering departments.
In 1992, with the increasing need for water quality testing equipments and awareness of water pollution, Founder Mr. K.K. Bothra designed & developed - Water Quality Testing Field Kits with brand name 'SUMEET' under technical know-how and approval from All India Institute of Hygiene & Public Health, Kolkata, (Govt. of India).
The kits are being widely used by public health engineering departments, water works, municipalities, airport & railway authorities, community polytechnics, engineering colleges, medical departments, NGO's, Zilla parishads, Lutheran world services and industries.
SIC has had the pleasure of executing UNICEF orders for field kits in their water quality awareness programme in India.
Followed by water testing kits SIC developed kits for Agriculture Soil quality, Effluent & Sewage, Fisheries & Aqua Cultures and started dealing with the complete range of pollution monitoring kits.
We have been introducing a lot of new products keeping pace with the latest cutting - edge technology. From catering analytical and environmental range of products, we have come a long way. Today, SIC has evolved into providing extensive range of products to cater the need of Education, R&D and Industries.