Empowering all the economically backward people facing numerous challenges in the poverty-stricken societies
Ensuring active participation of underprivileged children in educational and cultural activities
Striving to become the chief support and platform for the development of marginalized communities
Engaging volunteers to work for the brighter future of people living under reduced circumstances
Dispensing all the necessary resources to the individuals to make them relish all the privileges of life
Endorsing human rights and most especially the rights of deprived children and youth
Upholding the rights of impoverished groups and populations so that they can tread the path that would help them restore their lives
Imparting meaningful education with the assistance of various educational bodies by providing classroom facilities, enhancing and developing the curriculum, and serving the different forms of learning opportunities to change the fortune of victimized and indigent children
Encouraging development in the area of healthcare and conducting regular health check-up as our NGO for social welfare, Hindrise Foundation believes that health is the deciding factor of a Nation's ascent at all the fronts
Enabling below the poverty line communities to access the government schemes benefits that they deserve to acquire
Creating a paradise for children down on their luck so that they can attain their right to advancement and survival
Envisioning a setting that would nourish entrepreneurship and innovative thought processes
Rendering assistance in the hours of disaster-related emergencies and providing long-term solutions to survivors of various types of natural calamities and disaster
Serving a better life to the disadvantaged elderly senior citizens & abandoned women by enhancing their vitality and well-being